GHE Bio Filter Complete


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GHE Bio Filter Complete

SKU GHE-AC005 Categories ,

The GHE Bio Filter complete with BioMagix 10g and Stars:

Liven up your Water!!!!  The key for a disease free water, tested and created in GHE’s Greenhouses. It is the best tool to success for all growers, hydroponics and soil gardeners alike. Moreover the Bio Filter is a biological filter that purifies, cleans, and oxygenates your water, and your nutrient solution!!!

The Bio Filter performs many actions:

The internal sponge retains all debris and organic matter

The zigzag blue water fall boosts oxygen content, and cleans your water.

Biological, thanks to BioMagix which:

gently take over the roots to form a protective barrier that prevents disease.

It helps break down organic residues into food for the plant.

Another key point is that the filter helps salt uptake by the plant.

Use the GHE Bio Filter to liven up your water and prevent the effects of stress on your plants. For instance when temperatures are high or poorly aerated, when ventilation is bad or circulation not good, your plants will lack oxygen at the root level. Even though the biofiltre works in tanks up to 1000 litres, If you have a larger tank, contact us.


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