RAW Humic Acid


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RAW Humic Acid

SKU RAW-Humic-57G Category

RAW Humic Acid: 100% Water Soluble Humic Acid Powder

RAW Humic Acid has 59% Humic Acids from Leonardite. This is the strongest, water Soluble humic acid on the market. In nature, humic acid has a buffering effect on the pH of soils.

It can raise the pH of acid soils and lower the pH of alkaline soils. RAW Humic Acid is also great for hydroponics, especially when added to RO filtered water. RAW Humic acid is a natural chelator and is a helpful supplement to all feeding programs.

Works with all nutrient and feeding programs.

Humic acids consist of two parts, humic acid and fulvic acid. Actively help the plant take up nutrient ions that are in the soil. The extracts, from leonardite, also contain many helpful trace elements that activate important enzymes in the plant.

100% Water Soluble Powdered Humic Acid

Clean, Simple Technology

No fillers, stabilisers or added water

Allows the best control and custom mixes

Costs less to produce more


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